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Collins Key Profile| Contact details (Phone number, Email, Instagram,YouTube)

Collins Key Wiki Bio Profile| Contact details (Phone number, Email, Instagram,YouTube)- COLLINS KEY is a magician and who are known for his appearance on the eighth season of America’s Got Talent. He was judged by Howie Mandal on America’s got talent. His father name is Steven and his mother name is Anne. He has a younger brother named Devan. Key created and starred in a campaign forAT&T called The Disappearing Girl.He created his YouTube channel and his most popular video is “Gummy Food vs. Real Food Challenge! *EATING GIANT GUMMY FOOD* Best Gross Real Worm Candy”.



  • NAME: Collins Key
  • DATE OF BIRTH: 9th May 1996
  • AGE: 26 years
  • BIRTH PLACE: California
  • PARENTS: Steven and Anne
  • SIBLINGS: Devan
  • OCCUPATION: Magician
  • NATIONALITY: American


FACEBOOK: @CollinsKey

COLLINS KEY has a page on FACEBOOK in which he earned thousands of followers. On this, you can see Collin’s picture and video. If you want to like this page visit this link which is given above.

TWITTER: @CollinsKey

COLLINS KEY has joined Twitter in September 2011. He has always posted his pictures and videos of his magic on his profile. The Link is given above.

INSTAGRAM: @collinskey

COLLINS KEY has his own account on INSTAGRAM in which he always posted his Videos or Pictures on INSTAGRAM. To follow him visit this link which given above.

YOUTUBE: @CollinsKey

COLLINS KEY has a Channel page on YouTube also in which he uploads his magic videos and there are millions of people subscribed this channel page to watch the videos of COLLINS KEY and view of this channel is in billions. He has an amazing fan following. If anyone wants to subscribe to this channel page then they can visit this given link.

SNAPCHAT: @collinskey


We couldn’t find any info. about his contact number.


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  1. Sam

    You are awesome and I wish I can be in one of your videos
    It would be my dream to be in one of your videos with you and Devon

  2. Alexis

    Hi Collin , it is an honor that I am able to message you , but um the reason I am sending this is because I wanted to know if we could like chat and whatever because I don’t have may friends actually now that I think about it I don’t have any😪So my number is 0629793569 and I hope we can chat via whatsapp or something like that

    Alexis Taylor
    13 years old

  3. clarissa

    i wish i can be in a video whith you and devan love you guys

  4. Julian

    I want to call Collins mom goddammit f u ppl

  5. Julian

    I want to call Collins mom goddammit f u ppl you can’t hide her from me I know she likes me too. I want to speak to her

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