Joseph Hernandez Age, Bio, Profile| Contact Details (Phone number, Email, Instagram, Twitter) – JOSEPH HERNANDEZ is a Photographer as well as Instagram Star who is widely known for his photos of models and well known social media celebrities. In 2014, he was a finalist in the prestigious Spotlight competition. He has enjoyed playing sports, taking photos, and hanging out with friends. Joseph has received his first DSLR as a gift from his father. He has been featured on the well-known photography blog lens scratch. He has worked with many brands such as Coca-Cola, Craftsman, Lumoid, NFL, Sprite, UFC, Vitaly Clothing, and Walgreens.
Tag: 21 April

Thomas Doherty Wiki Profile | Contact details (Phone number, Email, Instagram, YouTube)- THOMAS DOHERTY is a Television Actor which is cast mostly cast on Disney channel television movie Descendants 2 and plays a role of the son of Captain Hook, Harry Hook. He was born on April 21, 1995, in Edinburgh, Scotland and in 2016, he began a relationship with actress Dove Cameron. According to the news of April 21, 2017, DOVE CAMERON shares the sweetest video of THOMAS DOHERTY in honor of his birthday. Doherty graduated from The MGA Academy of Performing Arts in 2015.